Saturday, December 7, 2013


Well, it's about 7:30 a.m. here and it's FREAKIN' COLD!  Been up since about 5 with my littlest one who apparently does not know what Saturday morning is for.  So I'm sitting in the living room watching the news about icy roads, drinking coffee, and vaping my Sweet Tobacco flavor from Saffire Vapor on my ProTank II Mini. I have been watching video reviews of new products for about the last 2 months and I would be remiss by not sharing the love and writing about These video reviews are fantastic for everyone because they are informative, funny, and not full of a bunch of technical talk like some other reviews.  Straight forward info from a vaper to vapers. Seriously, it's like watching a buddy tell you all about his new mod, kick-ass tank, or awesome new juice. I am a loyal subscriber to this YouTube channel and will not consider buying any new tank or APV without checking out what he's got to say about it. So far, the reviews have not steered me wrong. Been watching his Funny Friday movie this morning and had to share it. So if you been vaping for years or just getting into the groove like me, slide on over to for the best new info.

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